Sovereign Lodge Opens New Potting Shed Cafe


We are incredibly proud to share the fantastic response we have received following the successful completion of our recent refurbishment project at Sovereign Lodge care home in Westerhope.


Completed to an exceptional standard at the end of April, this extensive project has introduced a host of new features to our specialist dementia unit which are designed to enhance the quality of life for our residents. Among the most exciting additions is the Potting Shed Cafe, a unique and specialist facility that reflects the charm of the local area with the hope to promote reminiscence and independence for our elderly and dementia care residents.

Now open for all residents and visitors to enjoy, the Potting Shed Cafe is more than just a dining space; it is a carefully designed environment that stimulates memories and provides a comforting, familiar setting. Designed with locally-themed decor and filled with the scent of fresh flowers and homemade treats, the cafe serves as a gentle reminder of yesteryears and creates a new destination for residents to visit, within the safety of the home. Additionally, the cafe offers a variety of activities that encourage social interaction and cognitive engagement, vital components for maintaining mental well-being.

Teresa Stephenson, Home Manager at Sovereign Lodge, said:

“We couldn’t have hoped for a better response to the changes that we’ve made to our home – everyone is in total awe of what we’ve achieved and it’s created a fantastic atmosphere around the home.

We are already seeing the incredible impact the changes to our specialist dementia areas are starting to have on our residents – which has been absolutely wonderful. And the Potting Shed cafe is such a fantastic addition to our home, so being able to offer this space for relatives and residents to create new memories just makes us even more proud.

We cant wait to show our fantastic home to visitors during our Open Day, and feel confident they’ll love it just as much as we all do.”

We invite you to visit and experience firsthand the transformative impact of the Potting Shed Cafe – at our upcoming Open Day on Wednesday 29th May 2024. Visitors will be able to tour our new facilities, meet our fantastic staff and also enjoy a variety of refreshments and entertainment.

At Mariposa Care, we believe that fostering an environment of reminiscence and independence is crucial for the well-being of our elderly and dementia care residents, and the upgrades made to the home along with the addition of the Potting Shed Cafe is a shining example of this mission in action.

Our residents, team and their families have already expressed overwhelming positivity about the new additions; and we look forward to seeing how these additions to our fantastic home will continue to support new and current residents to live their best possible lives with us. If you or your loved one would like to book a tour of our facilities, or find out more about Sovereign Lodge – please Get in Touch. 

Open Day

Join us for an Open Day from 1:30-4:30pm on Wednesday 29th May 2024. 

Tour our new facilities and meet our incredible teams, whilst enjoying a selection of refreshments and live entertainment. 

We hope to see you there!